Friday, December 31, 2010


1 CORINTHIANS 15:20-34:
Today, the miracle The Lord gave me is Truth. "But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21.) For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.But each one in his own order; Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ's at His coming."

"AT HIS COMING." coming; parouia (par-oo-see-ah)Strong's#3952: The technical term signifying the second advent of Jesus of Jesus, was never used to describe His first coming. Parouia originally was the official term for a visit by a person of high rank, especially a king. It was an arrival that included a permanent presence from that coming onward. THE GLORIFIED MESSIAH'S ARRIVAL WILL BE FOLLOWED BY A PERMANENT RESIDENCE WITH HIS GLORIFIED PEOPLE.

24.)"Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all *authority and power."

Now, what was the Truth that God gave me today?
By The Holy Spirit, He opened the eyes of my understanding, in my soul, the intellect area of the soul, and I saw a critical spirit, called fault-finding spirit of thinking. He said I could be free from it, and all its words, abiding in my mind. How did it set up house there you ask me? Being born into a home of criticism, to judge with severity, oftened very readily to the point of abuse with words. I was carrying that around in my soul, not letting the Word of God deliver my soul from judging others by that spirit of criticism that abided in my mind.

The Word of God says; "As a man/woman thinks, so is he/she."
So if I think I am the judge, I will take that position!
May The Lord show me kindness, as I repent. May by His Word I walk humble-ly with my God, Micah 6:8; "He has shown me O man/woman what is good, and what The Lord requires of me, but to do justly and to love mercy, and to walk humble-ly with my God."

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


2 CORINTHIAN 12:11-12:

Signs, wonders and miracles happen to people who dare to believe God. Today
a man of God who moves in giving personal words to encourage people in the Lord, or to confirm things God has spoke to them already. He gave several words to different people and before he gave the word to them, the Lord spoke to me first, I wrote it down, and then he would say it. I would hear the scripture and write it down, then he would say that which was in that scripture. He did not know what I was doing, and I did not know what he was going to say, we were just both being lead by The Holy Spirit. What a miracle!

Monday, December 27, 2010



We find the miracle today is; taking back what was ours, but stolen from us by Satan. A family of believers had fanily land, and people in the family took it for their use. God spoke to the family,"I AM going to return the land to you." Today the opened door to that miracle happened. Praise YOU the Lord.

Sunday, December 26, 2010




Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Coming Of Age by Graham Cooke

Graham is sharing his Jesus experience. Bless The Lord for labors in the Harvest.

Pastor PJCopty

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Demons and Swines

Mark 5:4-17:
"Come out of the man, you unclean spirit."

A man that lived in the area of Gadarene, had given himself over to demon's, and had to be bound. Heavy fetters and chains could not tame him. He kept breaking them. Jesus came to preach the gospel of the Kingdom, and Truth. The demon's in the man saw Jesus coming afar off, and ran to entreat Him not to torment them. They said in verse 7; "By God, I beg you."

Jesus said "Come out of him."
Legion wouldn't move. Jesus said what is your name? The demon said Legion, there are many with me. There are 6,000, in a legion. That man had living in his body, ruling his mind and emotions 6,001, demon's. Who didn't want Jesus to torment them, like they had been doing the man.

Now here is what happen, Jesus kicked the demon's out. Then He healed the mind and body of that man and sent him home.
Jesus is Lord, and not even demon's will stop Him from keeping His Word Alive and Kicking in us.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Mal'akhi; (Malachi) 3:17:
"They will be mine," says Adonai-Tzva'ot, "on the day when I compose My Own special treasure. I Will spare them as a man spares His Own Son Who serves Him."

A friend of Jesus' is sick, like Lazarus, and Jesus is on the way to see him.
The PrayerNetwork: will you agree with Jesus, on Mac's life, being spared, so Mac can continue to serve Him on this earth.

Daddy God, we "All" are standing on Your Word Mal'akhi 3:17; for Mac Bryant, In Jesus Christ Name.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"FRANCE" -"The Glory of God" with Darrel Stott

The Believer's in France are asking for Him to Rain down on them. Darrel Stott is there.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Following Jesus Christ

My walk with Jesus Christ, is the topic today. Following Him has taken me many years of travel, marriages, children, friends, and supernatural stuff. In those years, hearing the Lord was no problem, but obeying was. Being rebellious is a decision you make to do. You even have to premeditate to do it. Planning the rebellion is what makes it a transgression. You hear the Lord, then think about whether you will obey Him are not. If not, then you go think about how you are going to do the other thing, the rebellious thing, the thing that is against God.

Psalms 32:1, "Blessed is the man/woman that their sins are forgiven."

This is part 1 of many stories of my life in Christ.

Pastor of Jesus Namesake Church